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Enclosed Trailers for Winter Auto Transport

Enclosed Trailers for Winter Transport

If you’re planning to get auto transport during the colder months of the year, it can be helpful to consider some things that will help keep your car in good shape throughout the long haul of cold weather vehicle shipping.

Just as keeping your car in the garage helps to protect it from harsh weather and cold, enclosed auto shipping can ensure your car stays better protected during winter transport.


The most common car problems associated with exposing your car to the cold include:


Battery Problems

Most batteries will not function at their full capacity in harsh weather; most especially if they are older than three to four years. Enclosed trailers will keep your car warmer than outside ambient temperatures and will protect it from the ravages of wind chill.


Thickening Fluids

An often forgotten fact is that freezing temperatures affect all fluids within your vehicle.

    • Oil and transmission fluid are very susceptible to thickening when cold.
    • As engine coolant is water-based, it is prone to freezing during frigid temperatures.
    • Diesel fuel begins to gel in extreme weather (between 34 and 15 degrees Fahrenheit) due to the paraffin wax within it.
    • Like engine oil, brake fluid is incapable of truly freezing, however without additives to resist gelling, brake fluids can become viscous in extreme weather.
    • Even Anti-Freeze can freeze! Depending on the rating on the product you have used, your anti-freeze  fluid can freeze if ambient temperatures drop below a certain threshold.


Tire Pressure Difficulties

Although cold temperatures can cause your tires to lose pressure, this generally normalizes again once you’re driving due to friction heat.


Wiper Issues

Cold weather will make your windshield wipers more brittle and can cause them to crack, depending on their age.


Cold-Water Leaks

Extreme cold can bring about previously undetected coolant leaks, commonly known as ‘cold-water leaks’. Due to the regular expansion and contraction of clamps and seals in colder-weather driving, minor leaks can develop.


Undercarriage Rusting

In the wintertime, road crew use salt solutions to melt snow and ice on the roads. Unfortunately, salt is also known to cause rust formation in cars. Open-Trailer transport cannot protect your vehicle completely from salty debris during transport.


All in all, your car just isn’t built to perform its best in extreme weather. Transporting your car in an enclosed trailer during winter is one of the best things you can do to minimize any of the operational problems associated with the season.


To ensure your experience is streamlined, contact (888) 223-5038 to have all your questions answered. A Yellowfin Shipping Advisor will be assigned to you in order to provide advice specific to your requirements, offer a custom quote and even book your shipment, if desired. Contact us today for your free Winter Shipping consultation.

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