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Yellowfin Auto Shipping Customer Discounts

Yellowfin Customer Discounts

Yellowfin offers auto shipping discounts to our Early Birds and Repeat Customers. We also provide discounts to many members of our community, including military, first responders, firefighters, police, senior citizens and students.

You may qualify for a single discount per order. However, for our Early-Birds, we accommodate for one additional discount category to be added into the overall discounted rate.

Yellowfin Shipping Discounts

MilitaryPer Request
First RespondersEmployment ID Copy
PoliceCopy of Employment ID
FirefighterCopy of Employment ID
Return CustomerProof of Previous Order
Early BirdWithin 48 hours of quotation
Senior CitizenCopy of License
StudentStudent ID


  • Due to the high volatility of the industry, check in with your Yellowfin Advisor for more current information on the discounts on offer.
  • All discount requests must be validated on booking and will be applied to the initial deposit payment
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