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Auto Shipping Ports and Terminals

Ports & Terminals

Although most Transport Companies emphasize door-to-door shipping, there are two additional pickup and delivery options available; terminal-to-terminal and port-to-port. Here we take a quick look into when and why these become feasible options for your transportation requirements.

Terminal-to-Terminal Transport

There are a few reasons why terminal-to-terminal auto transport is your best choice:

  • Flexible pick-up and delivery schedules. You are not locked into waiting for your Carrier to arrive at the pick-up and delivery locations for undefined periods of time; you can choose when would be the most convenient time to deliver it to the drop-off terminal and when to pick it up from the destination terminal.
  • When an origin or destination point is impassable by a large semi and trailer.
  • When you’re shipping high volumes of vehicles from one area to another on a regular basis.
  • Terminal Shipping is cheaper.

Although terminal-to-terminal transport is not usually one’s first choice, it’s certainly beneficial when you require an exact pick-up or drop-off time, when you’re in an area where navigating the terrain would be a nightmare for your Carrier or when your budget demands a more economical option.

The auto terminal is a storage facility for vehicles being shipped. As such, additional storage fees may be charged if you do not pick up your vehicle within a specific timeframe.

It may also be important for you to be aware of the fact that once your vehicle is delivered to the terminal, your vehicle is in a less controlled environment and could be driven and handled by various attendants at the facility. But, much like auto shipping companies, reputable terminal facilities are easy to identify. They will take safety and security seriously. This translates into gated facilities with limited access to grounds and vehicles by unauthorized people and personnel. Security guards will usually be on location throughout the day. You can also rest assured that your vehicle will be insured while it remains within the terminal facility.

Port-to-Port Transport

This transport option is widely used when shipping to Alaska, Hawai’i and other overseas locations, unlike the mainland US. Much like terminal-to-terminal transport, you will take your vehicle to a designated location where a port attendant will take possession of it. If you are working through a professional auto transport company, the attendant will have your information on file prior to your arrival.

Your vehicle will then await the arrival of the assigned shipping vessel. When this vessel is ready, your vehicle will be loaded, shipped and delivered to the port authority from where you will be claiming it.

No matter which method of delivery you choose, it is always recommended to work through a professional auto transport company; especially when using terminal, ports or other modes of international shipments where paperwork and protocols could become overwhelming.

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