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Tips for Shipping Your Car in Winter

Shipping a Car in Winter

As a seasonal industry, Car Shipping experiences its busiest times during the warmer months with a decidedly slower pace in the coldest ones. These changes in supply and demand inevitably result in shifts within the auto transport landscape. Because these shifts affect Carrier availability and industry pricing structures, it’s essential the customer is aware of […]

Enclosed Trailers for Winter Transport

Enclosed Trailers for Winter Auto Transport

If you’re planning to get auto transport during the colder months of the year, it can be helpful to consider some things that will help keep your car in good shape throughout the long haul of cold weather vehicle shipping. Just as keeping your car in the garage helps to protect it from harsh weather […]

Transporting an Unregistered Car

Auto Shipping an Unregistered Vehicle

Perhaps you’ve just purchased a car you need to bring home but have not yet registered. Or, maybe you need to move an old family clunker with an expired registration. If you’re wondering what your options may be for getting this kind of vehicle moved from point A to point B, read on…. When all’s […]

How to Minimize Exposure Damage

Auto Shipping Minimizing Exposure Damage

Although there is a certain level of protection offered to each vehicle by trailer beams, platforms and other cars, Open-Carrier’s cannot offer complete protection against bad weather, road or wind-borne debris, bugs or other wildlife.   What you can do to counter Open-Carrier safety risks….   Request the Upper-Level Open-Carriers have 2 levels on which […]

Auto Shipping Contracts Explained

Auto Shipping Contracts Exlained

Your Shipping Contract outlines the terms of your arrangement with the auto transport company you have hired (be it with a Shipping Broker or directly with a Carrier). Prior to signing, it’s critical you read through the entire document to make sure you understand and agree to the provisions expressed within it. To help you […]

Your Boat Transportation Guide

Your Boat Transportation Guide

Every Spring and Fall thousands of boats are transported across state lines or from one end of the country to the other. If this season marks your first experience with boat transportation, you’ll need to know how to find a reliable hauler, how to prepare your boat properly and what to do if something happens […]

Shipping Your Motorcycle

Shipping Your Motorcycle

Whether you’re looking to buy a motorcycle on the other side of the country, moving to another state or simply wish to have it shipped to a special event, Yellowfin can provide you with offers from numerous specialist transporters that provide expert solutions at an affordable rate without sacrificing on your security or schedule priorities. […]

Your Rights & Responsibilities

Your Rights and Responsibilities in Auto Shipping

Throughout the Yellowfin website you will see it repeatedly mentioned how we actively encourage all prospective Shippers to familiarize themselves with the Auto Shipping process. In this way, they are able to align their expectations with the atypical way this industry operates. We would also encourage you to explore your basic rights and responsibilities before, […]

What ‘Guaranteed Pick-Up’ & ‘Guaranteed Price’ Really Mean

Auto Shipping Guarantees and What They Mean

One of the hardest things for any shipper to accept is that the Auto Shipping industry is not a guarantees industry. It’s a marketplace that adjusts its pricing and timeline structures according to fluctuating supply and demand dynamics. So, although many Auto Transporters offer guaranteed transport dates and prices, they are still vulnerable to the […]

Shipping vs Driving

Auto Shipping vs Driving

  What are the costs of driving your car across country versus having it shipped? At a glance, when purely considering immediate costs, it’s almost always cheaper to drive your car versus having it shipped. However, depending on your own priorities, the additional immediate costs could become far less significant when viewed from a big-picture […]