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Your Rights & Responsibilities

Your Rights and Responsibilities in Auto Shipping

Throughout the Yellowfin website you will see it repeatedly mentioned how we actively encourage all prospective Shippers to familiarize themselves with the Auto Shipping process. In this way, they are able to align their expectations with the atypical way this industry operates. We would also encourage you to explore your basic rights and responsibilities before, […]

What ‘Guaranteed Pick-Up’ & ‘Guaranteed Price’ Really Mean

Auto Shipping Guarantees and What They Mean

One of the hardest things for any shipper to accept is that the Auto Shipping industry is not a guarantees industry. It’s a marketplace that adjusts its pricing and timeline structures according to fluctuating supply and demand dynamics. So, although many Auto Transporters offer guaranteed transport dates and prices, they are still vulnerable to the […]

How To Find A Great Auto Transportation Service

How to find a great auto shipping company

Yellowfin’s Logistics Experts are trained to provide only the most cost-efficient and reliable auto transport options available. However, for the Do-It-Yourself enthusiasts in our shipping community, we’ve put together this handy checklist to aid you in identifying the best Carriers for your next Auto Shipping project. CHECK THAT THEY’RE REGISTERED All car transport services need […]

Shipping vs Driving

Auto Shipping vs Driving

  What are the costs of driving your car across country versus having it shipped? At a glance, when purely considering immediate costs, it’s almost always cheaper to drive your car versus having it shipped. However, depending on your own priorities, the additional immediate costs could become far less significant when viewed from a big-picture […]

Auto Shipping Insurance: What You Should Know

Auto Shipping Insurance Explained

Your personal Auto Insurance policy will usually protect your vehicle in case of any accidents, theft or other damage. What many Shippers do not realize is that from the moment their vehicle is loaded onto the hauler, their policies may no longer provide the kind of protection they’re expecting. Your vehicle will be covered by […]

Open vs Enclosed Trailers

Auto Shipping Open vs Enclosed Trailers

What’s the difference between Open and Enclosed trailers? Depending on the Auto Shipping company you book, you will have the option of choosing between these two trailer categories. To assist you with which of these are most suitable to your requirements, we will discuss some of the basic differences between open-air and enclosed trailers along with […]

A Comprehensive Car Shipping Checklist

Auto Shipping Checklist

This checklist walks you through the entire Auto Shipping process from the very beginning of the process straight through to the very end. Grouped into 6 major sectors of the process, we list all the steps you’ll need to take before and after your vehicle transportation. BEFORE TRANSPORT Planning Decide if shipping is your best […]